11min reading - 2680 words
1) Copoclephilia: Definition
Appearing in the 1960s, the term copoclephilia refers to the act of collecting key rings. A collector of key rings goes by the name of copoclephile .
The origin of the word copoclephile comes from the Greek kope (to hold), kleis (key), and phile (one who loves, appreciates or is attracted to).
In 1960, the number of key ring collectors in France was estimated at two million. It was also during this period that the production of advertising key rings was most abundant.

2) Collecting Keychains by Passion
Nowadays, key fobs are seen as more than just an object for holding keys in a bundle . You will find them in the latest fashion trend, with teenagers hanging trendy and cool key chains on their bags. Many collect them simply because they like the variety and looks of key chains available.
So, copoclephilia is a hobby or activity that involves collecting key chains . With so many stylish keychains available, they are simply wonderful and fun to collect.
3) Why become a Keychain Collector?
Keychains are usually purchased as a souvenir from vacations and travels . They often represent monuments and famous people. Due to the enormous variety available and their light weight, key rings are the obvious choice for bringing a souvenir home, to friends and family as small, symbolic gifts.
They are often collected by teenagers as part of a fashion trend, to be used as locker keys or hung on bags to make an expressive statement and display individuality. All in all, they're a great way to express your personal style.

The type of keychains aimed at the younger generation often feature names and images of popular music groups, cartoons and, very often, lanyards and oversized plush keychains that look very pretty when hung to the zipper of a backpack.
Other people keep collections of promotional key rings to resell them later, when they have added value due to their "retro" or antique character. Among these collectible key rings, very popular with copoclephiles, certain Bourbon key rings can even reach the value of €100 each!
4) The largest collection of key rings in the world
The world's largest keychain collection consists of 62,257 items, as verified on June 25, 2016 by Guiness World Records . It is owned by Angel Alvarez Cornejo living in Seville, Spain.
Angel Alvarez Cornejo's collection began at the age of 7. Due to the sheer size of his collection, he now stores his key fobs in his garage and rented storage!

5) How to start a Keychain Collection?
Key rings are a great way to store your keys . They are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and designs. If you want to start a keychain collection, here's how you can go about it:
1. Choose a Theme for your Collection
The first thing to do is choose the theme of your keychain collection . It's a great way to show your personality. For example, you may choose to collect keychains from different countries or places you have traveled to.
This will show others that you have traveled to these places. Additionally, a theme will help you manage your collection. When you go shopping, you will look for specific keychains based on the theme so you can shop easily.
2. Start Collecting Keychains
You should start your keychain collection by first adding 5 to 10 keychains to your collection. You can either choose from your existing keychain collection or buy new ones from the market.

3. Set a budget
Set your budget limit. Don't jump into buying expensive keychains right away. There are many good quality keyrings available at an affordable price. The cost of key fobs can range from a few dollars to hundreds.
The most expensive ones are essentially branded or designer keychains . Don't be fooled by appearance. Don't overspend. Remember, save money to buy many more.
4. Give your Collection a Memory
It is recommended that your key ring collection has a memory, that is, with each key ring you have a story to tell. This doesn't mean it has to be a long story, but rather a short story. When choosing a keychain , you need to be able to remember something.
Remember that your collection should be special. You can even write down the price of each keychain . Later, you might be amazed when you look at the price, thinking how cheap it was back then.
5. Display your Goodies!
Once you start collecting , you need to display your collection. Don't keep it locked in a drawer. Many people choose to display their collection by hanging it on the side of a mirror.
Choose a place to display your keychain collection and show it to your friends. You can also display them in a special box. This is a great option, especially if you have hundreds of keychains to display.

6. Keep your valuable Keychains Safe
You must keep your collection in good condition and safe. There are many unique keychains that you won't find once lost, so take care of them and keep them out of reach of children and pets.
7. Continue to Enrich your Collection
You need to continue to add to your existing collection. There is no limit to the collection of keychains. Visit keychain stores from time to time to see if a new variety is available that is worth adding to your existing collection . If so, make a purchase and expand your collection.
6) Which Keychains to buy for your Collection?
Before starting your own collection , you need to know where and how to buy. The importance of key chains is not just limited to an object that collects keys.
Regardless of age, almost everyone has a key ring. Some use them to hold their keys, others have the hobby of collecting them. There are many ways to find a keychain, that is, the search never stops, but the information and cool ideas listed below will help you a lot to buy stylish and stylish keychains. attractive.

Think about everyday objects
There is no limit to the style and varieties of keychains . You will simply be surprised to see the variety available in the market. You will find key chains of all shapes and sizes. A large object that you see in real life will certainly have a key ring model with its image!
For example, there are mini trains, mini houses and mini cars available as key chains . Whatever item you have in mind, chances are it's available as a keychain.
Interactive key rings
Today you can also find various games on key chains. It's simply a piece of technology that's tiny but keeps you entertained. This type of keychain (with handheld games) is very popular among teenagers.
Key rings for children
Key rings are also available for children . For children, key chains of different cartoon characters are available, including birds, animals and many more.
For girls, key chains with little Barbies , handbags attached to the key chain, different shapes like sandals or even their favorite cartoon character are popular choices.
While for boys, keychains with cars , bikes, sticks, hockey, bats and football in different shapes are popular choices. Plus, gadgets are boys' weak point. They just can't stop themselves from buying gadgets and hence, mini gadget keychains are very popular among boys.

Useful key rings
Wait ! It doesn't stop there. You'll even find key rings with everyday tools like scissors, knives and cutters. This is one of the coolest categories of keychains: multifunctional keychains .
Key rings are available in different materials. The material you choose depends on what you plan to use it for. For example, if you want to buy a key ring for your car, opt for a leather key ring . It will give an elegant look to your keychain.
These are some of the options available to you. Now the next step is to know where to buy.
7) Where to buy Collectible Keychains?
Flea markets
Do you have a weakness for retro keyrings? Look no further and scour the flea and flea markets in your area now! The rarest pieces are often unearthed in these places, and sometimes even for a pittance from other copoclephiles.
To make sure you don't get fooled, we advise you to take a look at the prices of key rings before going to flea markets and to find out about the forums dedicated to key ring collections.

Traditional commerce
If you need to make a purchase for children, you can take a look at children's stores . They will have lots of cool keychains that you can give to your kids. You can even add them to your keychain collection.
Cool keyrings are also available from games stores that stock the latest fashionable keyrings, or from general stores . You will also find them in certain specialized pop-up shops, or specialized in gifts.
The House of the Keychain
Eh yes !
In fact, we are a store specializing in key rings . You will find in our collection all the nice key rings of the moment, with many varieties. You will love them and want to buy them all, especially if you are a keychain collector.
Don't forget to browse through all the variety of keychains available and choose the one you like or the ones that match your keychain collection theme. Additionally, you will even find keychains that look cool, yet are very inexpensive and fit your budget limit perfectly.
For this, you don't even need to travel. All you have to do is browse our site and explore all the variety of keychains available in one place.

8) Start a collection... of homemade Keychains!
You don't need to have ready-made keyrings to start a collection. You can even start a collection of homemade keychains . Keychains are quite easy to make, and it's a lot of fun and exciting!
To make your own keychain , below are the basic materials you will need. These materials are readily available for purchase. You can buy them easily from the market i.e. any craft store. You can also purchase these items online. With online shopping, you may get a discount or a craft store may offer it if you buy in bulk:
1. Ring or hook
The base of the keyring must have a ring that can be closed or opened. You can also attach other smaller rings or decorations to the main ring. This will give an attractive look to the keychain. Also make sure the ring you buy can hold a key or multiple keys securely. Key rings should be between 1 and 3 cm in diameter.

2. Channels
A chain can be added to the ring so that it can be attached to clothing. The size of the chain should be between 5cm and 40cm long, with a small hook at the end. The hook allows you to hang the ring on clothing.
3. Decorative elements
Decorative elements are added to make your keychain attractive and stylish. The size of goodies and decorations should be 5cm maximum. You may also need decorative shapes that will hold the hoop.
Once you have the necessary materials, you are ready to make your own keychain. Here's a basic method for making your own beaded keychain.
Make a Keychain yourself (DIY)
1. First, you need to drill a hole in an ornament that will accommodate the keychain or ring. You can get a pre-made decorative shape from the market or you can make one yourself. You can even choose your initials (to start). To drill, you can use an electric drill and a 0.5cm drill bit.
2. If the form is made by yourself, you can decorate it, for example, with paint.
3. Now place a ring in the hole.
4. Cut a leather cord into three sections of varying length.
5. One end of each cord should be tied around the key ring.
6. Finally, insert the beads and tie a knot at the free end of the cord to ensure that the decorative elements do not fall out. You can use different types of decorations to give an attractive look to your key ring.

The hobby of keychain collecting is steadily growing in popularity, especially with digital keychains now available on the market. One of the reasons for this popularity is the fact that it is not an expensive habit . You don't have to have a big budget to get fancy keychains. Good, original keyrings can cost just a few euros. So your collection will start growing in no time.
The keychain collection is very fun. Once you start collecting, you won't be able to stop. You'll want to buy every other keychain you come across and you won't even have to spend a lot to get one.

But remember that you don't want to buy every other keychain you come across, but only choose the best ones and save money to buy the latest fashionable keychains when they become available in the near future .
Once you have a large collection of key rings , you will see the value of this hobby. You can then trade in some of your best keyrings or put them on sale and add a new collection to your keyrings.
Copoclephilia has no age limit. Whether you are an adult or a child, everyone can collect keychains, which is a wonderful and entertaining hobby!